Coat- Jcrew | Scarf- Loft | Jeans- Guess | Sweater - Forever 21 | Blouse - old ( similar) | Heels- Shoe Mint ( exactly the same shoe design , seriously! ) | Necklace- Forever21 | Headband- Charming Charlie | Sunnies- Prada | Watch- Michael Kors (similar) | Rings- Ariella Collection , Bonnie Jonas | Bracelets- Gigglosophy |
I usually wear my hair down and slightly waved, it's the easiest hairstyle (in my opinion). However, in today's post I've done a two braid messy bun. I also, added a shinny headband for added glam. The first time I did a braid like this in my hair , Clint complimented me on it... and, when I get a compliment from my boyfriend, I know I have found a winner. When I'm around him I feel odd experimenting with ultra trendy things ( hairstyles, makeup , or clothes) . But when I do, and score a compliment, I know I've got it right. All very cheesy, I know.

Hope you like it! Love it!
Thanks for reading!